Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tired But Excited

I think I have taken myself to the point of exhaustion in trying to get ready for this trip. Just when I think that I have everything done, a couple more things spring up that need to be done. And in the process? Well, I'm losing my mind!

Last night I repacked my backpack (that thing weighs a ton...I'll post a picture of its contents later) and in the process, I realized that I was missing my camera. So I started hunting, checking out the usual places, and I couldn't find it! After about an hour and a half, I gave up, thinking I would look for it later. I was frustrated, and that meant that I needed pudding (that's normal, right?). I opened the silverware drawer, and guess what I found? That's camera. I am a little concerned about where I put the knives and spoons though...

I am having trouble sleeping. I'm pretty excited about this trip, and the suspense is killing me. It's making me lose my mind (read story above again for proof). I made a decision to skip watching the debate on Tuesday (and it was town hall, favorite style!) in favor of going to bed at 9. I woke up feeling that I had just experienced the best sleep ever, and that it must surely be time to get up, only to see that the clock read 11:30. My life is a roller coaster right now!

This week has been busy, and I know it will prove to be rewarding. Sunday is right around the corner!


Melody said...

I am rushing to my siverware drawer right now because I too have lost my camera!

Seriously, I hope you have a fantasic trip. I look forward to following your adventure.

Just this week, I heard about a tavern north of Tokoyo where little monkeys in suits bring you a hot towel before you order. If you get a chance, you must do this - and take a picture! It's not every day you go to Japan and it's certainly not everyday that you go to Japan and get a hot towel from a little, suited monkey!

Take care, have fun, and I can't wait to see you when you get back!

Lovey lovey,

Mickster said...

Love you Mel Dog!!!

Unknown said...

Hey mis m. Whats up. Bet ur surprised that some of your students actually remembered about ur site. Well I just wanted to wish you a fun and safe trip. I hope that you are having fun, and that would only make one out of all of us. Class is a little boring but all and all were makin it, not living it up like you but...its ok. Lucky, eat some sushi for ur forth period class. Hope you continue to have fun and btw, you really are writing a freakin book here. U could make millions. "Hoosiers in Japan" a story told through the eyes of Ms. Emily an awesome hardcore World History teacher. lol. see you soon. David. Forth period.

Mickster said...

Yay David!!! A student finally comments! Yes, I am writing a ton, maybe I should put it into a book! Hope you are enjoying your fall break...I can finally relax right now knowing that you guys are not at school and potentially not causing problems!