Thursday, June 12, 2008

I am SUCH a slacker!

When I initially started this blog, I was afraid that I would post too much, too often, and somewhere aroud mid-April I decided that I needed to hold back bit. Well, now it is June 12! How in the WORLD did that happen?

As we speak, the June group is in Tokyo. Lucky kids. In their honor, I composed a haiku:

Hi to the June Group
I'm jealous that you are there
Have fun without me

Yeah, yeah, I know that haiku is traditionally done on topics found in nature. But, the way I figure it, I know those guys are outside at some point. Wouldn't that make them something found in nature then? Don't I sound like one of my students trying to defend a wrong answer???

Anyway, I have no real excuse for why I have been absent from my blog for so long. Life got in the way, and I think I was trying to slow my excitement down a bit about this trip...I think I am becoming obsessed! I know what an honor this trip is, and I know that it is going to be a life-changing experience. I cannot wait to go!

Here are some updates...I promise to be better about this in the future!

1. No new books on Japan have been purchased by me in the last month. Had to slow down there! However, that does NOT mean that I don't have a list of books that I want to purchase!

2. Still going to Disney. No changes there.

3. Found a little story in Budget Travel about a geisha experience that you can have in Tokyo. You get all dressed up in the right clothes (either for a geisha or as a maiko, an apprentice geisha), makeup, and hair(!!!) and then have your portrait taken. The only problem is, it is a bit expensive, and it takes around three hours to complete. However, it's very cool. The studio is in Harajuku, and it is called Studio Mon Katsura. The English on this site is a bit choppy, but you get the general idea. Be forewarned, though...if you try to go to the main page, it loads VERY slowly, if it loads at all! I have yet to fully read the main machine locks up every time.

This could be me!

4. Language process? I know nothing more than I did before. I have big hopes for next month!

5. Got a package of stuff from the Japanese Consulate in Chicago. Woo hoo! Stuff about Japan AND it was free...and Lord knows I love a bargain! I'll do another post where I will describe what came in that lovely packet.

That's all for now!

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